How Common is PTSD in Veterans?
Veterans experience traumas like combat, accidents, and even sexual assault, at a higher rate than civilians. This can lead to PTSD, affecting 7% of veterans compared to 6% in the general population. Women veterans (13%) are particularly impacted. Importantly, research is ongoing to understand how PTSD affects all veterans, including LGBTQ+, minorities, and transgender/non-binary individuals, as social factors can influence PTSD risk.
VA probes reasons for PTSD care use.
Many veterans struggle with PTSD, with rates ranging from 11% to a staggering 30% depending on the war they served in. However, despite the significant impact PTSD has on jobs, relationships, and overall health, only 8% of veterans seek help. A VA study shed light on this gap. Veterans who believe they need treatment and have access to specialists are more likely to get it. The importance of social support also emerged – "Veterans often struggle alone," says Dr. Spoont. Encouraging veterans to seek help and ensuring access to specialists are key to overcoming this gap and supporting our veterans' well-being.
“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”
Tania Glenn and Associates, PA treat all clients with dignity and respect; we work as diligently as possible to assist our clients in achieving their desired outcomes. We help our clients set and achieve personal and professional long and short term goals based on where they are in life and where they want to be. Ultimately, our goal is to find and build on individual strengths while providing a safe, casual and nurturing environment for our clients to feel comfortable and motivated to do therapeutic work.
Cpl. Chad Eric Oligschlaeger
We exist to provide public awareness, resources and non-pharmaceutical treatment for our active duty, veterans and their families who have been affected by the harsh realities of combat.